Friday, January 31, 2020

Personality Theory of Sigmund Freud Essay Example for Free

Personality Theory of Sigmund Freud Essay According to Freud, mankind has only two drives that determine all thoughts, emotions, and desires- the need for sex and aggression. Sex is the equivalent of life- after all it is how we procreate the species and continue our lineage. Aggression often leads to its equivalent – death- which is also a control measure for procreating the species as it allows us to remove an adversary that may prevent procreation. Freud proposed that there are three levels to our personalities- the Id , the Ego, and the Superego. At birth, we are born with the Id, which he described as being the part of the personality that demands our basic needs. It is important because it drives our instinct to obtain our basic needs and keep ourselves alive. It looks only for satisfaction of a hunger, whether it is for food, comfort or any other pleasurable sensation. As a child interacts in his first three years of life, the Ego begins to form. The Ego begins to realize there are others that have needs and that interaction in the world means thinking of this and responding accordingly. Around five, the formation of the Superego starts as the child becomes trained in the moral and ethical ideas of his caregivers- it is often compared to the conscience. Throughout the rest of our life the Ego serves as the mediator between the Superego and the Id, keeping us from becoming either totally self-centered and demanding or rigid and unbending in our interactions with others. In the fights with the Id and Superego, the Ego develops various defense mechanisms to help keep the balance. These defense mechanisms help the ego sate the id’s impulsiveness without offending the Superego’s moral position- all the while keeping reality in check. Some of these defenses include denial, intellectualization, regression and sublimation. Perhaps the most debated of Freud’s writings is his theory of psychosexual development and it’s five stages. The first stage, which stretches from birth to 18 months, is the oral stage where the baby is focused on the pleasures associated with sucking. From 18 months to age three, the child is in the anal stage, where pleasure is derived from retaining and releasing. The phallic stage covers age’s three to six, in which the pleasure zone switches to the genitals. This is the stage in which the Oedipal complex comes into play. The latency stage stretches from age six to puberty during which pleasures are repressed in order for learning to take place. From puberty to death, we are in the genital stage in which our pleasure derives from the genitals. While many of his theories are not as popular today, Freud laid the groundwork for understanding the human mind. References Heffner, Christopher L, â€Å"Personality Theory† retrieved on May 29, 2009 from http://allpsych. com/personalitysynopsis/freud. html Stevenson, David B. â€Å"Psychosexual Stages of Development† retrieved on May 29, 2009 from http://www. victorianweb. org/science/freud/develop. html Felluga, Dino. Modules on Freud: On Psychosexual Development. Introductory Guide to Critical Theory. Purdue U. retrieved on May 29, 2009 from http://www. purdue. edu/guidetotheory/psychoanalysis/freud. html.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Creative Commons Essay -- Music Musical File Sharing Essays

Creative Commons Creative Commons encourages artists to share and distribute their work for free. And that could be the key to a new multibillion-dollar industry. People can widely redistribute other people works, as long as they provide the credit to the authors; create new works based on an existing ones, provided they offer those derivations back to the public on the same terms. This paper analyzes the conflicts between the need of technology for creativity and innovation versus the legal aspect of copyright. An alternative emerging approach for licensing music, software, research paper and many other resources on the internet, creative common sharing copyright, is introduced. The paper does not analyze if creative commons is ethical or not; the answer will be yes under all ethical approaches. An ethical analysis on intellectual property, using multiple approaches, is instead presented. Technology and Legal Trend Restriction imposed by intellectual property law, for someone like Laurence Lessig, chairman is a professor of law at Stanford and founder of the School's Center for Internet and Society, have run out of control. The restriction impose by the market and by the state are affecting and threatening internet. Changes in the copyright and patent laws and the regulation of broadcast seem to protect the interest of few against new way of doing things. Law and technology are constantly increasing control on the uses of creative works at a level never seen in history before. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) does not permit, under the law, the usage of copyrighted material for fair use. Bill Gates recently stated that "If people had understood how patents would be granted when... ...andy Starr, The Creative Commons, February 2004, 4. Joe Kaplinsky, Who owns ideas?, Frebruary 2002, 5. Sandy Starr, Copycat copyright, March 2003, 6.Chris Evans, Tightening the net, June 2002, 7.Dwight Duego, The boundary of Intellectual Property, January 2004, 8. Mark Alfino, Intellectual Property and Copyright Ethics, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Vol.10 No.85, Useful Links 1. 2. 3. 4.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

A Human Is A Complex Organism

Human beings are complex and special organisms as there is a complex organisation of cells in the human body. The organisation in the human body is summarised as follows: Cells—> Tissues—> Organs—> Systems—> Organism.The same type of cells which carry out a specific function are organised into a tissue. For example, a group of nerve cells form a nerve tissue. They are organised to work together to perform specific functions as the result of cells in the human body do not work individually.An organ is a group of tissue that cooperates to carry out a specific life process. For examples, epithelial tissues form blood vessels. Several organs are organised into a system.Each system consist of several organs which are organised to carry out life processes such as respiration, reproduction and digestion.Various systems in the human body are well organised to carry out all the life processes efficiently. They are able to function because the cellular components wo rk together to ensure the survival of human beings.The human brain is well developed to integrate information's and store them as memory. This allows human beings to have the ability to talk, think rationally, create new things, learn from experience and use languages. The ability to do all these makes us really special compared to other organism.Water is driven into the tanks to raise density and allow the submarine to sink and it also pumped out to reduce density and hence allow the submarine to float. The tanks can be filled with water and air, which allows the submarine to sink or rise in the water. When a submarine is floating, its ballast tanks are filled with air, which makes it less dense than the sea water it displaces hence allowing it to float. Submarines sink when water is let into the ballast tank. This is because the submarine's density becomes greater than that of the surrounding water, resulting in negative buoyancy and causing it to sink.